December 13, 2020
UPDATE: Distribution of COVID-19 survey and COVID-19 Task force Progress Report
Greetings Faithful Followers of Christ,
Since March 2020, RPC has not held in- person worship services within the walls of the building, but has found creative ways to connect. In preparing for the 2021 new year, the RPC COVID-19 task force acknowledges that there may be questions regarding the timeline for safely returning to the physical building for corporate worship. Therefore, the task force will provide the church family with updates and an opportunity to ask questions and voice concerns during a special virtual COVID-19 Town Hall meeting on Wednesday, January 27, 2021 @ 7:30pm. This time will be used to highlight where we started, the present situation, and the journey ahead.
To assist the task force in thoughtfully addressing your questions or concerns, an anonymous form has been created to submit questions in advance. The form will remain active from December 13, 2020 – January 21, 2021. Please submit any COVID-19 related questions or topics you want the task force to address during the January 27, 2021 town hall.
Submit your questions here
The COVID-19 pandemic continues to create uncertainty, stress, and trauma within our lives, and by now we have all been impacted by this virus in some way. We encourage everyone to reach out to the pastoral team at any time. In the meantime, please stay safe and healthy, and continue to keep our church in prayer.