Get connected with the Group in your area today by contacting one of the leaders below!

What are Grow Groups?
Grow Groups are family units, organized by locality, doing life together.
All members and regular attendees of Restoration Praise Center are placed into Grow Groups based on where they live.
Grow Groups are designed to facilitate:
By challenging each individual to actively pursue intimacy with the Father in response to His love. Grow Groups provide a space that supports and encourages the spiritual growth of each and every believer. Groups are encouraged to meet at least once weekly for Prayer and Bible Study. Using the Water For The Thirsty Bible Reading plan as a study guide, groups can experience coordinated yet context specific spiritual growth.

Spiritual Growth

By intentionally cultivating loving, meaningful and lasting personal relationships within the body. Grow Groups provide a safe place where believers can regularly interact, socialize, pray for each other, express their feelings, confess failures, disclose doubts, admit fears, share hurts, acknowledge weakness, ask for and receive help, testify of triumphs, tell of God’s goodness and share His blessings. Groups are encouraged to enjoy social activities together as often as possible.

By compassionately addressing the needs of the body so that it is in the best position to serve. Grow Groups provide, space, resources and opportunities for attending to the physical and practical needs of believers, facilitating healing, restoration, nurture and accountability so that they are in the best positions possible to be agents that reveal the Father’s love to the world. Grow Groups are designed to ensure that every individual is accounted for and that no one falls through the cracks.
Personal Evangelism
By equipping each believer to earnestly share the Father's love with their communities in a personal and relational manner. Grow Groups provide an opportunity for believers to be creative with regard to outreach within their geographic location. They allow believers to engage in relational initiatives within their communities to meet the specific needs of their community members. Grow Groups also provide a small group forum for witnessing / bible study with friends, family, neighbors and co-workers. They are designed to reproduce and grow the body in a healthy manner.

Please check out the following documents to learn more information about our Great Commission Sabbath, lead by our Grow Groups: What is The Great Commission and FAQ