When a person steps into a church for the first time, he or she evaluates the atmosphere. He asks himself: “Will they accept me? Will it be easy to make friends? Will my spiritual and personal needs be met? Will it be easy to find my way around? Will my family like it here?”
Because first impressions are often lasting impressions, greeting our guests and members is an integral contribution of the hospitality ministry! In addition to shaping was atmosphere of warmth, love and generous hospitality, greeters set the tone for the worship service.
The gift of greeting or hospitality was first exercised specifically for the church and those whom Christ died to save shortly after Pentecost. As believers praised God, they had favor with people (Romans 12:13, I Timothy 3:2, I Peter 4:9). Their love for one another attracted others to their fellowship and “the Lord added to the church daily such as should be saved” (Acts 2:47). Greeting people as they enter this place of worship is more than a handshake and a smile; it is an opportunity to express God’s love through Christ.
At Restoration Praise Center Seventh-Day Adventist Church, we want everyone to experience a genuine warmth, friendliness and praise-oriented atmosphere – this starts with greeters! If you would like to join the Greeters Ministry or speak with the Greeter Ministry Leader, Jana-Lynn Louis, please email greeters@rpcsda.org.
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