The Personal Ministries Department provides resources and trains church members to unite their efforts with the ministry and church officers in the final proclamation of the gospel of salvation in Christ. The aim of the department is to enlist every member in active soul-winning service for God. SDA Church Manual pp. 101
To inspire, motivate, equip, train, and mobilize every individual associated with Restoration Praise Center who professes belief in, and love for Jesus Christ for “works of service”. (Ephesians 4:11-16)
Work of Service: A specialized term which in this context simply refers to
1. Loving God – being a disciple / follower of Jesus—actively pursuing an intimate relationship with Him. (KNOW)
2. Loving Others – intentionally revealing and introducing the Father and His love to others. (SHARE)
Every single believer associated with Restoration Praise Center in active pursuit of a relationship with Jesus Christ, revealing the Father and His love whileintentionally helping others to do the same. Summarily expressed as: “To know and share the love of Christ.
Our Goals:
To provide space, opportunities and resources for the equipping of believers.
We’ve adapted Pastor Al Johnson’s Sabbath School model and established the following 4 (four) functional areas as starting points for developing approaches to equipping the believers:
1. Spiritual Growth
2. Nurture
3. Fellowship
4. Personal Evangelism
Our Approach:
Our Approach involves 5 concurrently operational layers.
Layer 1: Teaching – In partnership with the Pastors & Elders this will involve strategic and intentional "Big Room" teaching, re-education, reality checks and tangible orientation to the 4 functional areas.
Layer 2: Equipping - Training / education sessions with the ministry leaders as well as with the wider church membership.
Layer 3: Streamlining: Developing strategic plan, organizational structure and system of operations that facilitate the vision, mission and goals in a self-sustaining manner.
Layer 4: Communion: The intentional elevation of the priority of Prayer and Bible Study for the church.
Layer 5: Doing: Facilitating the operations of the Grow Groups & Ministries
Discipleship Resources for Adventists
Contact Us
To obtain more information on Personal Ministries and to participate in any of our events, please contact Jared Taylor at personalministries@rpcsda.org.