Ministry Leadership:
Jennifer Scott - Leader
Psalms 84:10 says, “..I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God than to dwell in the tents of wickedness.”
The goal of the Usher ministry at RPC is to warmly welcome members and newcomers alike to church, ensuring that they feel and experience the love of GOD each and every time they come. The goal is to keep church services orderly by seating members and visitors. First impressions are lasting and newcomers will quickly come to a conclusion based on how they are received. Our elite group of ushers strive to make this a reality to our visitors and members.
Our purpose as Ushers:
We are called to represent Jesus Christ and to be an extension of His heart and hands for our visitors and church family. We kindly meet and greet individuals and then seat them in the sanctuary for worship.
We are called to assist our pastoral staff in accomplishing the goal of teaching of God's Word, equipping the saints for further work and helping to fulfill the vision for the local church by helping to maintain reverence. Reverence is our primary objective as ushers.
We are part of the Church family, transforming lives in Christ, teaching life through Christ and experiencing the life of Christ.
We are God's public relations people. It is our responsibility to demonstrate God's love toward every member and visitor.
We play an important role in a guest’s desire to return for future visits. The member/guest-usher relationship should be viewed as a dynamic one, that entails providing due service to our customers (the members and guests).
We are part of the Church family, transforming lives in Christ, teaching life through Christ and experiencing the life of Christ.
"For I have given you an example, that you should do as I have done for to you.” 17”If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them. John 13:15, 17
If you would like to join us in this ministry, Please see one of our team leads that you see weekly or contact LaVon Charles at usher@rpcsda.org.